Understand the mechanics behind malware for better defensive strategies. Explore 20+ modules covering various techniques used in modern cyber threats.
Malware development can be a double-edged sword, making it crucial to emphasize ethical practices when exploring this fi eld.
Gaining expertise in malware development techniques and tactics offers a holistic understanding of advanced attack strategies.
These APIs provide the core functionality needed for memory allocation, process manipulation, and code execution.
Code injection technique is a simply method when one process, in our case it’s our malware, inject code into another running process.
DLL Injection, simplicity is key to executing code within another process. Consequently, many malicious DLLs contain most of their harmful code within DllMain.
DLL hijacking is a type of attack where an attacker replaces a legitimate Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file with a malicious one, allowing them to execute arbitrary code on a targeted system.
If we approach this from a red team perspective, we can develop a more sophisticated injector. For instance, we could create one that locates a process by its name and injects our payload into it.
Today we are going to learn step by step how to generate the reverse shell and gain the access of the victim computer using the bginfo application.
Writing shellcode is a great way to learn more about assembly language and how a program interacts with the operating system.
Linux Shellcoding for Hackers: A Step-by-Step Guide.
The “Early Bird” technique leverages a nuanced understanding of Windows process management to inject malicious code at a very early stage in a process’s lifecycle.
This code demonstrates Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) Injection, a technique used to execute arbitrary code (such as shellcode) in the context of another process.
It is a stealthy user-mode injection method that Red Teams or adversaries may use for executing payloads within legitimate processes.
The program specifi cally injects shellcode (a Meterpreter payload for spawning calc.exe) into a suspended Notepad process and then executes it via APC queueing.
This C++ code demonstrates Early Bird APC Injection, a stealthy process injection technique commonly used in red team operations and by advanced malware.
The document has 26 sub-topics across two modules: Shellcode Execution (12 sub-topics) and Process Shellcode Injection (14 sub-topics).
The document has 18 sub-topics across 6 main topics: Kernel Driver Basics, Protection Rings, Kernel Development, Kernel Event Monitoring, Process Termination, and DKOM Process Hiding.
The document has 22 sub-topics across 6 main topics: Registry-Based Persistence, Task Scheduler, Startup, Windows Service Persistence, WMI Task Scheduler, and Malware Resurrection Techniques.
We’ll delve into the fascinating world of APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) Injection using the NtTestAlert technique. This method leverages an officially undocumented Native API, NtTestAlert, alongside the Win32 API QueueUserAPC to execute shellcode within a local process.
NtTestAlert is a system call intrinsic to the Windows alert mechanism. It plays a pivotal role in the execution of pending APCs (Asynchronous Procedure Calls) queued for a thread. Before a thread begins executing its assigned Win32 start address, it invokes NtTestAlert to process any APCs awaiting execution.